What are the genetic constraints on mammalian lifespan?

Attributed to Naked Mole Rat Cam, Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute

Research overview

Age is the major risk factor for neurodegeneration. By studying mammalian ageing itself—across cell-types and species—we hope to identify new interventions for human disease.

Ongoing work

The Dark Genome

Throughout evolution viruses have injected their code into mammalian genomes—so much so that ~40-50% of all mammalian genomes are remnants from viral-like code. What does it do? What effect do they have on host-cell physiology, ageing, disease? Using new sequencing-technologies, genome perturbation assays, and animal-models our group is systematically probing their function.

(above: a karyotype labelling in green viral elements embedded in the mouse genome (Boyle et al., 1990). They are everywhere!

Comparative Genomics

All mammals start as a zygote and transition from embryo to baby to adult along species-specific timelines. How does the genetic code orchestrate these major life events and how is it different across mammals? Using comparative genomics and embryonic stem cells from mice, moles, humans, primates, bats, and whales, we hope to identify the genetic basis for maximum mammalian lifespan. 

Healthy Ageing

In the last decade science has developed an unprecedented ability to manipulate the genome in ever more precise ways. In parallel, newly evolved delivery vectors can bring these potent genome editors to specific cell-types and tissue. As we uncover fundamental biology, we will devise new therapeutic interventions to treat human disease.

(above: a new delivery platform delivers gene therapies efficiently to skeletal muscle!)